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ScienXe / physics

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0, 0 PhD 0
Abildinov, Kanat independent researcher free general physics
asjhfgd, rweas researcher lhjlkh -
chawla, karuna researcher bee astrophysics
Chudinov, Peter professor Moscow Aviation Institute classical physics, ballistics
Curie, Marie full professor university of Paris nuclear physics
Curty, Philippe physicist Scimetrica GmbH IT, Web, theoretical physics, interdisciplinarty, complexity
Dua, Piyush Faculty Member Amity University (U.P.), India Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Einstein, Albert physicist Eidgenossisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum theoretical physics
Elumalai, Viswanathan PhD candidate University of Madras Materials Science
Gautam, S scientist Korea Institute of Science and Technology (20960) material science
Hermans, Rodolfo Research Associate London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL Applied Physics
Kandasami, Asokan scientist Inter-University Accelerator Centre Electronic Structure
Khan, Sameen Ahmed Ahmed professor Dhofar University Optics
Korostelev, Vladimir Freelance NMR physicist MHLab NMR
La Camera, Giancarlo Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter Institute of Physiology, University of Bern Neuroscience
lushitou, zhenyan_ da student Graduate university of Chinese academic of science Nuclear Theory
Mietchen, Daniel post-doc University of Jena biophysics, brain morphometry; evolutionary psychology
moura, vanderlei vilaça professor Pitagoras Ensino
Munot, Krish Amateur Researcher Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram Astrophysics
Murray, John D. PhD Yale University computational neuroscience
N, T A scientist State Polytechnical Institute superconducivity
nookala, chandrasekar lecturer SASTRA University, Thanjavur-613402,INDIA nonlinear optics, quantum optics
Osipyan, David researcher Division of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ashtarak, Armenia computational plasma physics
Raut, Adip Student King's college Physics
razik, abdurazik student physics school xinjiang university xinjiang china electricity
Shiraishi, Kiyoshi professor Yamaguchi University theoretical physics
Terazzi, Romain doctorant University of Neuchâtel laser, optoelectronics, photonics
Tuli, Arjun student GGSIPU Theoretical Physics
Two Owls, Adhi M researcher The New global Shaman Understanding the unseen world
Weber, Patrick PhD candidate University of Neuchâtel patricles physics; instrumentation
y, laamiri PhD y terahertz optoelectronics

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